Sept. 26 - 28, 2023

47th ANPAD Annual Meeting
EnANPAD 2023



** This initiative is exclusive for residents in Brazil **

For the EnANPAD 2023, ANPAD will provide a grant of BRL$1,000.00 (one thousand Reais) to students who are affiliated to a Graduate Program in Administration, Accounting Sciences, or related areas, associated or not with ANPAD, with approved paper for presentation in EnANPAD 2023, who meet the criteria of the ANPAD Inclusiva (inclusive ANPAD) project or declare economic need.

The financial aid aims to support the face-to-face participation of these graduate students, aiming to complement the expenses with transportation, accommodation, and food. With this initiative, ANPAD hopes to contribute to equity among scientific production and enable the participation of these students at the meeting so that they can disseminate their academic production.


ANPAD is not responsible for submissions of proposals not received within the deadline due to technical reasons of computers, failures, and/or congestion of communication lines and other factors that prevent the data transfer.

At any time, this Call may be revoked or annulled, in whole or in part, either by a unilateral decision of ANPAD or for reasons of public interest or legal requirement, in a reasoned decision, without this implying a right to indemnity or claim of any kind.

The cases omitted in this Call will be resolved by the Scientific Board.