XI ANPAD Organizational Studies Conference - EnEO 2022 EnEO 2022
Keynote Speakers
Ariston Azevedo
Ariston Azevedo
Panel - " The question of the State in Guerreiro Ramos "
PhD in Political Sociology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Professor at the School of Administration at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (EA/UFRGS). The professor...
Panel - "The question of the State in Guerreiro Ramos "
PhD in Political Sociology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Professor at the School of Administration at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (EA/UFRGS). The professor's intellectual trajectory has been dedicated to conversation, study and research on philosophy of administration.
Muryatan Santana Barbosa
Muryatan Santana Barbosa
Panel - " The question of the State in Guerreiro Ramos "
Undergraduate degree in History (2001), Master in Sociology (2004), Doctor (2008-2012) and Post-Doctor in African History (2014-2016), all from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Scienc...
Panel - "The question of the State in Guerreiro Ramos "
Undergraduate degree in History (2001), Master in Sociology (2004), Doctor (2008-2012) and Post-Doctor in African History (2014-2016), all from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH) of the University of São Paulo (USP). He was a visiting researcher at Harvard University (2010) and a UNESCO-Brazil consultant for the Brazil-Africa Program: crossed histories (2011-2012). He currently works with themes related to Pan-Africanism, African Union, Global South, Ethnic-Racial Relations and Theories of the South. He is an adjunct professor of the undergraduate courses of Science and Humanities, and International Relations and of the graduate program in World Political Economy, at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC). He is a member of the Nucleus of African and Afro-Brazilian Studies at UFABC (NEAB-UFABC). He is the author of the books " Guerreiro Ramos e o personalismo negro” (Guerreiro Ramos and black personalism) and " A razão africana: breve história do pensamento africano contemporâneo” (African reason: a brief history of contemporary African thought), in addition to specialized articles. Winner of the Jabuti Prize in Social Sciences (2021), for " A razão africana” (The African Reason) (2020).
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