Sept. 16 - 18, 2024

48th ANPAD Annual Meeting
EnANPAD 2024

Joint AMLE and AMP Paper Development Workshop

In partnership with AOM, a PDW with AMLE and AMP was held on the first day of EnANPAD 2024.

Date: 16/09
Location: UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Time: 8:30 am to 5:30 pm

Morning (Open to all participants)

8h30 am - 10h15 am at CSE Auditorium - Meeting with Editors (AMLE, AMP, and AMR)

10.30 am - 12 pm at Room 11 Ground Floor Block B - Round Table: Challenges faced by researchers from emerging countries in publishing in top journals

Afternoon (Restricted to participants with abstracts)

2h pm - 5h30 pm at Room 01 Ground Floor Block B - Discussion of approved proposals

Room 01 Térreo Bloco B (with Rafael Alcadipani and Diego Coraiolla)
Discussant Proposal Submitter Institution

Rafael Alcadipani

Clarice Pinheiro UFF
Rafael Alcadipani Fernando Pereira FGV
Rafael Alcadipani Maiara Marcon Unoesc, Unisul
Diego M. Coraiola Ivan Hadlich FURB
Diego M. Coraiola Luciana Ferreira FDC
Diego M. Coraiola Matheus Tardin FGV
Diego M. Coraiola Morgana Krieger UFBA
Diego M. Coraiola Renata Chaves USP

2h pm - 5h30 pm at Room 02 Ground Floor Block B - Discussion of approved proposals

Room 02 Térreo Bloco B (with Bonnie Cheng and Sandro Cabral)
Discussant Proposal Submitter Institution
Bonnie Hayden Cheng Gustavo Tavares Insper
Bonnie Hayden Cheng Robson Leite Petrobras
Bonnie Hayden Cheng Rosine Hasson Marques PUCPR
Bonnie Hayden Cheng Victor Alves UFF
Sandro Cabral Bruna Hamerski UDESC
Sandro Cabral Sérgio Gomes UNAMA
Sandro Cabral Simone Sehnem Unoesc, Unisul
Sandro Cabral Thiago Soares Insper
Sandro Cabral Thiago C. Almeida UFV

2h pm - 5h30 pm at Room 03 Ground Floor Block B - Discussion of approved proposals

Room 3 (with Oana Branzei and Sergio Lazzarini)
Discussant Proposal Submitter Institution
Oana Branzei Fernando Domingos FGV
Oana Branzei Isis Domingues FGV
Oana Branzei Leonardo Gomes USP
Oana Branzei Neyliane Castro FGV
Oana Branzei Patricia Guarnieri UNB
Sergio Lazzarini Carolina Andion UDESC
Sergio Lazzarini Izabela Ribeiro Guimaraes UFMS
Sergio Lazzarini Kátia Bertol PUCRS
Sergio Lazzarini Luís Tavares Silva UFC
Sergio Lazzarini Roberto Vassolo IAE Business School

Led By

AMLE Facilitators:

  • Rafael Alcadipani, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil
  • Diego M. Coraiola, University of Victoria, Canada
  • Barbara Larson, Northeastern University, USA

AMP Facilitators:

  • Oana Branzei, University of Western Ontario, Canada
  • Sandro Cabral, Insper, Brazil
  • Bonnie Hayden Cheng, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
  • Sergio Giovanetti Lazzarini, Insper, Brazil


Registration for the Brazilian Academy of Management Conference (EnANPAD) is required to attend the PDW. Submission of an extended abstract and commitment to participate in breakout sessions are required for the second part of the PDW.

About  Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE)

AMLE is rated as 4* in the UK CABS list and A* in the Australian Business Deans’ Council list of journals. AMLE’s mission is to contribute to management learning and education by publishing theory, empirical research, reviews, critiques, and resources that address the processes of management teaching and the learning that results from it. The journal’s main emphasis is on theoretical debates about management learning, management education, and the business of business schools.

About Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP)

AMP is rated as 4 in the UK CABS list and A in the Australian Business Deans’ Council list of journals. AMP’s mission is to inform current and future “thought leaders” who, through their leadership, teaching, consulting, and/or other professional activities have the potential to influence management practice and policy. AMP publishes papers that bridge scholarly research and practice that are based on research evidence. This evidence can be quantitative or qualitative.

Workshop Format

The PDW consisted of two parts:

  • Part 1 –No registration required
    Part 1 of the PDW will be open to all conference attendees. The first half of Part 1 will cover a general introduction to AMP and AMLE and Q&A with the editors. The second half will feature a roundtable with the editors to discuss the challenges scholars from developing countries face in publishing in top-tiered management journals.
  • Part 2 –Registration needed
    Part 2 of the conference is restricted to attendees who submitted an extended abstract and were invited to join the second part of the PDW. Each participant will be assigned to a table with a journal facilitator and two other participants. Participants are required to read each other’s abstracts and will have the opportunity to provide and receive feedback on their work.

Extended Abstract Submission

Extended abstracts must be approximately 3,000 words in length, encompassing text, images/tables, and references. The document should include a title, author names, affiliations and emails for all authors, and the main body of text.

Registration and submission to the second part of the PDW are required and the deadline to register is 18 August 2024. To participate, please register using the link below. Participants will be notified of acceptance by 25 August 2024.

By submitting your abstract, you are agreeing to have your paper discussed in a small group with other participants, to be willing and able to provide a short (5-minute) overview of your paper to others in the discussion group, and to stay for the entire duration of Part 2. Participation in the PDW is not a prerequisite for submitting your paper to AMP or AMLE and does not affect the manuscript review process and outcome.

Additional Information

There is no fee to attend the PDW. However, all participants must register for EnANPAD 2024 to participate in the PDW. Participants must cover their own travel and accommodation costs. 


Click here to access AOM page and register for the Workshop